I have always known it as french omelette but recently in a french cafe in St Martin in the Caribbean, the omelette Steve ordered came out flat. So if this recipe isn't a french omelette then I'll call it a "light and fluffy" omelette.
Separate 2 or 3 eggs and whisk egg whites in a large bowl with a pinch of sugar & salt until light and fluffy.
Gently fold through the broken yolks.
Pour egg mixture into heated frypan that has enough olive oil and butter to lightly cover the base and sides. Gently spread egg mixture over base of pan and top with a sprinkling of grated cheese (if preferred).
When browned on base you will be able to easily fold omelette in half to enable the middle to cook. Take care to turn again without flattening or overcooking the omelette.
Result is a light and fluffy omelette (or variation of classic French omelette?)...good for brekky, lunch or light dinner.